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(Sun- Thursday)

SFDA’s Draft On Essential Requirements for Medical Radiation Protection Programs.

  • 主页
  • DRAFT Guidance
  • SFDA’s Draft On Essential Requirements for Medical Radiation Protection Programs.

SFDA has recently published the Draft on Essential Requirements for Medical Radiation Protection Programs; Click here to read the official document.

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Highlights from this Document

Medical Radiation Protection Programs (RPP) is a written program by Healthcare providers (HCP) to achieve the radiation protection principles and to keep occupational doses and doses of the related public that are “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA).

To ensure compliance with the Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA) requirements, this document is intended to clarify the general requirement for the implementation of the RPP for any HCP that obtains a radiation X-ray medical device or radioactive material for medical use.

Page 3 to 7 in the DRAFT is the General requirements for the Radiation protection program.

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